What's this? An Archive of Color Palettes I've made as a Color Designer presented in a bite-sized site.Ok, so maybe it's more like a color blog...

Diary Entries


What 's Up?

  • This website displays better in desktop, sorry about that! I'm still working on it.

  • New Palettes every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the Month.

  • I've received messages about uploading the palettes to Coolors but w/o a PRO plan it isn't possible to upload more than 10 palettes. As this site doesn't make any form of profit this isn't something I can consider.

  • Once I'm more free I want to make palettes that can be downloaded and imported into procreate for more efficiency. I'll get to that, eventually...


  • 10.31.24 ୨୧ uploading /entry 34

  • 10.26.24 ୨୧ uploading /entry 32-33

  • 10.19.24 ୨୧ uploading /entry 31

  • October ୨୧ Autumn Palette Drop

  • 09.07.24 ୨୧ uploaded /entry 30

  • 09.06.24 ୨୧ uploaded /entry 29

  • September ୨୧ More Summer Palettes

  • August ୨୧ Taking a Break

  • 07.06.24 ୨୧ uploaded /entry 27 & 28

  • July ୨୧ Summer Palette Drop

  • 06.26.24 ୨୧ updated /site

  • 06.21.24 ୨୧ uploaded /Entry 26

  • 06.21.24 ୨୧ uploaded /Entry 25

  • 06.15.24 ୨୧ uploaded /Entry 23 & 24

  • 06.08.24 ୨୧ uploaded /Entry 22

  • June ୨୧ Sitewide Update


Entry 29 - Summer Days 09.07

Final Stretch of Summer...

Entry 27 - Summer Daze 07.06

S is for Summer days...

Entry 25 - Sukinamono...
(好きなもの...) 06.24

I miss you, I love you, but I'm not in love with you. Yet I remember them as if they were my own favorite things.

Entry 23 - I just like eating with you... 06.24

Don't you think we're getting closer? I guess? One meal at a time, right?

Entry 21 - I'll get there... Eventually... 01.24

Slowly getting by as time passes by, I'll get to it I swear...

Entry 19 - All things Japanesey 09.23

Japanese food my beloved...

Entry 16 - Beachwaves 'n Heatwaves 02.23

One hot summer day in the Philippines...

Entry 15 - Konpeitō 03.22

Palette inspired by Konpeitō candies.

Entry 07 - Kyoto Summers 06.2021

A palette collection inspired and color picked from long lost summers. (Yeah, so she was mostly eating...)

Entry 30 - Through Another Lense 09.21

Adventures and experiences from a strangers perspective...

Entry 28 - Summer Haze 07.06

A shore sign of Summer...

Entry 26 - 11番街のカフェの向かいにある花屋... 06.24

In another universe, maybe you're a Florist and I run a Café right across the street...

Entry 24 - I'm ready, but not just yet... 06.24

Will you spend a bit more of these seemingly mundane moments with me?

Entry 22 - Marmalade for You 06.24

Jammed up peelings...

Entry 20 - A lil all over the place... 12.23

Life's been a lil all over the place and I'm doing my best...

Entry 18 - Fragments of a Moment 04.23

Palette inspired by moments from a bygone memory.

Entry 17 - Fallen Leaves... 03.22

Adorn his night? wait what...

Entry 13 - Come along with me... 01.22

Take a walk and forage some goods with me, or just have a lil look around but in palette form.

TIP: Wait! This isn't the end! You can actually use the menu on your left to access more color palettes. Just press a button and ジャジャーン~ Just like Magic! ♥︎

Entry 30 - Through Another Lense 09.2024

Adventures and experiences from different lenses...

Acknowledgements: To Marge and Friends, Thank you once again for the provisions! The experiences you've shared with me through photos have now been eternalized.From the depths; your local homebody,
Mim ♥︎

こんにちは! How was Summer for you this year? I wasn't able to actually go to the beach or spend the Summer I planned, but it wasn't quite as uneventful, in fact it was memorable in its own quirky way.With that said, this collection is a compilation of the summers of everyone who wanted to share their summer with me!Acknowledgement as per usual is on the bottom of the page.At home, unburnt, in jammies and snackin
Mim ♥︎

Entry 27 - Summer Daze 07.2024

S is for Summer days...

Entry 29 - Summer Days 09.2024

Final stretch of Summer...

Entry 28 - Summer Haze 07.2024

A shore sign of Summer...

Acknowledgements: H who provided 60% of these and took me on virtual tours! 次は一緒に夏を過ごせるといいね!あなたの経験をバーチャルでシェアしてくれてありがとう。あなたのレンズから見える世界は素晴らしい場所だ!自分もそれを見られるといいな~チュの母、虎は父、そしてはぐちゃん、すべての愛、サポート、理解、そしてかわいさのために! ♥︎Marge and her Friends for being very supportive and providing a lot of material and sharing your experiences with me through photos.My brother for deciding which to upload first and helping me name some.And everyone who enjoys providing material for me to make palettes out of and you who are viewing this right now, go and make some pretty art!Eternally grateful,
Mim ♥︎

Entry 22 - Marmalade for You 06.2024

Jammed up peelings...

Acknowledgements: To the Kuya Valet whom H befriended at the hotel he was staying at while visiting me.He kept giving him citrus fruits when he was sick bcoz he said Vitamin C would be good for H so he can recover faster. And when I told him H couldn't eat citrus fruits, he proceeded to bring other sour fruits for him.You were the bane of his existence and congratulations for making him cry, usually that was my job, jk, but it made me laugh and you made our day. Your kindness will always be remembered.^And to you who felt bad and couldn't tell Kuya V you disliked them so you did your best and ate mostly all of them and smiled through the pain when he asked you if you liked it.I'm proud of you! ♥︎

Hi! It's a New Year, but it's still the same old me. A bit better than I was a few months ago. Life is still rough here and there, but I'm getting there.Different languages have always piqued my interest and lately I've been talking to a lot of people who have gone through the same things as I have.My Doctor said it would be a good exercise and I've learned a lot of things from em. Words and life lessons alike!So here's some of them based on actual things happening in life.Still doing her best,
Mim ♥︎

Entry 21 - I'll get there... Eventually... 01.2024

Slowly getting by as time passes by, I'll get to it I swear...

Meanings:Forelsket - This is what they call the feeling of falling in love for the first time in Norweigian.Fuubutsushi 風物詩 (ふうぶつし) - things, feelings, scents and everything in between that reminds you of a particular season, like pumkin spice latte in Autumn.Kogarashi 木枯らし - The cold wind that marks the beginning of Winter. Typically it's used to describe the first gusts of cold wind that signals the arrival of winter in the news. But not just any cold wind, it's the kind of wind that seems to penetrate beneath the skin, raising goosebumps, and sending shivers through your body.Lebensmüde - is a German word that translates to "life tiredness", and it's the feeling of being tired or weary of life.Nige-Mizu 逃げ水 - Literally just means fleeing water, but I liked what someone told me about how time flows and it cannot be grasped like water.Satori 悟り - Roughly means Enlightenment as in a moment of profound understanding and realization. Basically, a spiritual awakening. I like it since lately I've been having some late realizations. Like, really we don't know enough about anyone or anything and I used to be okay with that.Tsundoku 積ん読 - is the phenomenon of acquiring reading materials, but letting them pile up in one's home w/o reading them. I have a lot of friends like this.Waldeinsamkeit - The spiritual feeling that comes from being alone in the woods. It’s specifically a pleasant solitude, not loneliness, and a feeling of heightened connection to nature.

Acknowledgements: Just wanna say thanks to friends for providing photos of their adventures for color picking and inspiration.And thank you for getting the strangest yet also normal hobbies over the pandemic for me to make fun of in palette form.Grateful as well to their friends whom I do not personally know that also submitted material or as we call it "the good stuff/offerings". I feel like a part of your circles in spirit or well, in color.From the depths; your local homebody,
Mim ♥︎

Hello! This is probably my longest entry yet. I've been through a lot this year. At times it even felt like too much and I considered giving up, but that didn't happen and I'm grateful to still be here. And it's not just me who made that possible so I'm grateful to those who've supported me through this time.These palettes are the representation of feelings and emotions from some of those moments. The names are the perfect words to describe it too.Anyway my apologies for rambling. I try to avoid posting negative things, but I honestly consider this a positive one. Consider it me trying a different approach in palette making. Colors after all have the ability to convey different emotions.I'm all over 2023 and glad to be rid of it. We did the best we could. May 2024 be kinder to us. Take care of yourselves out there!All blues, absolutely no clues,
Mim ♥︎

Entry 20 - A lil all over the place... 12.2023

Life's been a lil all over the place and I'm doing my best...

I thought I could take my time and enjoy the process. It was fun while it lasted.

Moved by the people around me, especially the ones I least expected was both heartwarming and heartwrenching. I've never felt so loved yet alone at the same time. Why did you have to suffer? Is a question I often find myself asking the me from that bygone memory.

I've lived well, haven't I? It wasn't easy you know. But I'm satisfied with what I have done so far.

My life has never felt this comfy, my nights and bed this cozy. The silence that now fills this room is what true peace feels like. A forgotten luxury I never thought I'd ever get back.

The art of mending things with gold, I wonder if that works for human souls? When you look at me I hope you see how broken I am, yet not desperate for pity nor appreciation. I am not art in a museum. I don't enjoy being talked about. These cracks in my being were not from wear and tear, you helped put them there. I was already damaged to begin with so I guess it's okay. Now I'm but a broken exhibit you can shelve. A ruined painting in a gallery at the wing nobody ever visits.

Hearts unlike ceramics are irrepairable. Some things in life, you can't take back and change. We live in an age where flawed and imperfect is the perfect excuse to hurt people. "I didn't ask you to hold me and piece me back together, right? You did that yourself." Spoken like a pro-gaslighter. I've accepted it as the last time here's a bittersweet goodbye.

Yet after all that, who would have thought I'd find the will and start living again. The way I want to or at least hoping to get towards that point. I am in an emotional mix of excitement and anxiety. Like I'm about to begin a brand new adventure and I'm looking forward to it.

But of course it doesn't mean that all is well, I haven't forgotten the pain. I've just learned to swim in this endless ocean of grief. Trying my best not to drown. Losing someone hurts, especially when that person is yourself. And for what? For how long? I'm so lost and exhausted. How much longer? I'm just a girl from a bygone memory. Let me go.

Hi! The names from this set have really wonderful meanings! Explaining them all would make this too long and I know some of you just came here to see colors and not read my ramblings.But if you find a palette you like as well as the time to do it... I hope you can search up what the name means. I like the thought of a word existing in one language and being unable to translate it or the same word just doesn't exist.Everything holds a fragment of a moment from a bygone memory! All the lil moments in our life, if you think about it can be represented with the colors that invoke the same feelings and emotions of a time you think you've forgotten. Or is that just a me thing? Heh~Mim ♥︎ over and out!

Entry 18 - Fragments of a Moment... 04.2023

Palette inspired by moments from a bygone memory.

Entry 17 - Fallen Leaves... 02.2023

Adorn his night? wait what...

Entry 16 - Beachwaves 'n Heatwaves 02.2023

One hot summer day in the Philippines...

Y'all remember your SPFs when going to the beach!

I can't really see without my glasses and with all this water so just tell me please...

Classic Vanilla! Who doesn't love Chocolate? I heard they have Iced Latte and Mocha... I usually go for Strawberry and Mango, but today it's a bit too Matcha. So let's go for Pandan instead? So many flavors I want to pick them all!

Iskrambol a.k.a Ice Scramble, this is an ice shaved dessert in my country. It's super good with powdered milk on top, just trust me! That pink pepto bismol colored ice shaved goodness. Nommies in my tummy!

I remember asking why they decided that was our ulam for the day too, but hey who says no to ginataang kalabasa at sitaw, right? Not me!

Entry 15 - Konpeitō 03.2022

Palette inspired by Konpeitō candies.

Name Translation:
Ajisai - Hydrangea
Tsutsuji - Azalea
Renge - Lotus
Sakyurento - Succulents
Kinoko - Mushrooms
Koinobori - Carp Streamer
Sango - Coral
Momiji - Maple

Entry 13 - Come along with me... 01.2022

Take a walk and forage some goods with me, or just have a lil look around but in palette form.

Entry 09 - Chocolate Brownie Fudge 08.2021

A friend asked me to make a palette out of Brownies she made with her kids and they helped me name em...

Entry 11 - A Rainbow made of Sprinkles 09.2021

ARMOS for short. Inspired by Candy Sprinkles, funfetti and chocolate candy melts...

Acknowledgements: Shout out to my friends Marge and Vernie for helping me come up w/ names for these. Some are from their own childhood!You're basically taking a tour inside our memories, but in palette form right now.

Entry 08 - Fishponds 'n Merienda 06.2021

My Mom stays in the province these days and she sends me tons of photos from the farm, so why not make a palette from that?

Marge said this was about a lil girl running on the farm in a pink dress. I think we all sort of had that memory, except Vernie, although he may have wanted to wear one he says...

Kaliskis is Scales in english, as in Fish Scales... you see a lot of them here...

I don't know how to explain, but in the province we just find it so common to see house-less gates... What are they hiding? Something Enchanted? Who knows, sometimes it's just tall grass. More often than not it's a Lot 4 Sale signage.

Sometimes it's your neighbors, sometimes it's the birds.

Rumie, I've seen Puto twice what in the world? Puto is steamed rice cakes. (Also, "Damn it! She's eating again." You are right!)

Naps. Naps under a tree. If it's not too hot it's the perfect spot!

Marge: You know we used to call pink moss on the pond, Pond Pochi?
Me: Wdym pink moss? Do you mean snail eggs?
Marge: What?!?
Narrator: She was today years old.
(Potchi is btw, a type of gummi candy popular in our country, the popular flavor is strawberry cream. I'm not sure if it's still very popular to kids these days, but we loved them when we were children! I changed the name cause I don't want to be striked with copyright or something.)

Apparently, some people call em River Spinach, what a fancy name for Kangkong. Do you like it in Sinigang or with Bagoong? I really didn't want to end this with a food for thought (pun intended) but it has been done.

Summer '00 a summer adventure of a Grandpa and his Granddaughter. ♥︎

Entry 07 - Kyoto Summers 06.2021

A palette collection inspired and color picked from long lost summers. (Yeah, so she was mostly eating...)

「Palettes from a Mundane Life」
This series was color picked from random photos of daily life. And quite literally named after it.

Entry 06 - Palettes from a Mundane Life 「Set 1」 06.2021

Entry 06 - Palettes from a Mundane Life「Set 2」 06.2021

Entry 01 - Kakigori 07.2020

Inspired from Kakigori Flavors. I made this based on the menu of a Kakigori Shop in Kyoto that commissioned me to illustrate their menu.

Sky Series

What's this? Color Palettes from photos of the sky.With that said, I should go out more.

Entry 02 - Seasons 08.2020

Look up at the seasonal skies...

Entry 03 - Time Stamp 08.2020

Capturing a specific moment in time...

Cookie Series

What's this? I enjoy baking, but more importantly eating cookies. So this series is inspired from my favorite cookie flavors.

Entry 04 - Okies Cookies 08.2020

Cookie is not a sometimes food.

Entry 12 - Chrimsmas Cookies 12.2021

Made for some Holiday themed flyers, but let's pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars.

Cookie Series

What's this? I enjoy baking, but more importantly eating cookies. So this series is inspired from my favorite cookie flavors.

Entry 36 - Crispy and Crumbly 11.2024

You have crumbs on your cheek.

Entry 31 - Whisk me away... 10.24

From this month's bakery hunting and pastry tasting...

H who whisked me away to do this says the official title for this should be "JABETIS" like how Filipino's pronounce diabetes. Who ever you are that taught him that istg... he hasn't stopped saying it that way since!

Entry 34 - A lil Weir-dough! 10.2024

A weir-dough, but still a-dough-rable.

Snack Time Series

What's this? Just random snacks I ate and took a couple of too much photos of.Because I like to eat, eat, eat!!!

Entry 05 - The Best Combinations 08.20

Inspired from my favorite snack time combinations.

Entry 14 - Odd Cravings 01.22

I know it's a weird combo, but just trust me!

Rumie... OMURICE IS A MEAL??? And I will have it as snacc!!!

You need some healthier optio- SSSSHHHH who's asking!?!?

Entry 10 - Café Hopping 09.21

So... I've been café hopping and hear me out!

Entry 19 - All things Japanesey 09.23

Japanese food, my beloved...

What's this? Color Palettes I curated for Brands I've worked with and Projects I've worked on.This needs much updating...

Floral Tile Patterns

This Palette is from a Floral Tile Pattern I designed. The patterns aren't exactly based on the flower the palettes are named after, but the colors are.

In Another Universe

Just silly lil conversations... This is peace and contentment, it's new.

Entry 26 - 11番街のカフェの向かいにある花屋... 06.24

In another universe, maybe you're a Florist and I run a Café right across the street...

Seemingly Mundane Moments

Just lately, I enjoy spending these seemingly mundane moments with you... I love you. I'm glad I exist.

Entry 23 - I just like eating with you... 06.24

Don't you think we're getting closer? I guess? One meal at a time, right?

Entry 25 - Sukinamono... (好きなもの...) 06.24

I miss you, I love you, but I'm not in love with you. Yet I remember them as if they were my own favorite things.

Entry 24 - I'm ready, but not just yet... 06.24

Will you spend a bit more of these seemingly mundane moments with me?

In Another Universe

Just silly lil conversations... This is peace and contentment, it's new.

Entry 32 - Irotoridori no Aki (色とりどりの秋) 10.24

In another universe, maybe you're a Florist and I run a Café right across the street...

Entry 33 - Kannazuki no Aki (神無月の秋) 10.24

Daily life spectrum, but in an autumn setting... Cause you decided to bring Autumn to a country with only two seasons.

He was telling me about how according to folklore, Gods who live throughout Japan disappear from each location and gather at Izumo during October to have a meeting. As a result, the rest of Japan is emptied of Gods so this period was called "Kannazuki" (Month of no Gods) another name for October.

In between and just lately...

11丁目 18丁目

Hello! What's up?

Can I use this?
Yes. Absolutely. That is the purpose. Make pretty and awesome art! The world needs more of it.
Do I need to credit you?
No need, but if you really wanna it's very much appreciated if you do @ me. Not for credits. I just love seeing what you've all made! It's not a requirement though so no worries. Just have fun!
How can I thank you?
Honestly, there's no need! But if you insist who am I to refuse such kindness. A share or shout-out goes a long way and is very much appreciated, that way more people can find them and make awesome stuff! But if you're feeling extra generous, you can give me a lil tip on Ko-Fi! (You can ignore the last bit. Hahaha.)
Can I share this on social media?
Sure thing. Link back though, please and thank you with sprinkles and tiny marshmallows on top!
When is this updated?
Every now and then when I feel like it... You can follow me on twitter if you want to be updated! (shameless plug /slap'd)
Why don't you update often?
Because life is happening and it waits for no one.
What's up with the names?
You do not question the names!!! We don't talk about that here. No actually, I just find it easier this way.
Oh no! The palette I liked disappeared!
I probably hate it now so it's gone for good. Jk! You can email me if you want it. Just make sure you remember the name, because I can't go on from something vague like, it had yellows and smelled like sunflowers, sunshine and sweat. Who am I kidding, I'd probably still know which palette that is! So carry on Adventurer and seek your palette!
I save it all on my drive, I just tend to remove stuff sometimes or I may have accidentally deleted it cause I was sleepy and in a daze, who knows...Can I use this for commercial projects?
Oddly enough I get this quite a lot, it's not like we can copyright colors... Oh wait, actually... you can??? But that's not the point so I won't discuss that. So to answer your question, YES! Yes you can! I am a mere curator of colors.
How long does it take you to build palettes?
A long time. Sometimes short, depends on how inspired I am, I guess? Most of the time very long. On average maybe 3 hours is my shortest and sometimes it takes days. What am I doing? Why can't I just be normal and pick which looks good on the spot? I... too... want... that... sort... of... normalcy... but this is what I'm used to.
You take so long what are you doing with your life? Process?
Personally, I make a dozen and then curate it and pick out from all of those which would look best and combine those chosen colors together. I'd elaborate, but I'm building more palettes as we speak, talk later. じゃあね〜
Does my productivity decline spending too much time on palettes?
Nope. It's kind of my job so, not only am I expected to be doing exactly this... It's pretty efficient as well to have a pre-made palette to color pick from. And it's not like I build and use one palette for a project and then forget about it and it's gone for good or lost in a void in time. I have an archive of palettes I've built over the years. I keep all of em in a safe place to reuse when it fits the need! It's actually pretty neat and makes me more efficient. Other designers have font banks I have a color archive! Each to our own.
Website Qs?
This website is made with Carrd.co.
You can use my card Referral Code: XCC3P8Y6 (But only if you want to.)
Gymnopédie No. 1
Website Resources:
A disclaimer that I didn't make the pxls you see so where do I find them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
You can click the ones below too!

If I ever forgot to credit you or you want me to remove your work from here, feel free to message me!

૮ฅ・ﻌ・აฅ こんにちは! Welcome to The Whimsy Palette! ✿ Updates every 1st 'n 3rd Saturday! ❀ Don't forget to share with your friends! ♡ The Sprites are hard at work cleaning up. Sorry for any inconvenience during maintenance! ❀